Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica) in Bromley

Known as the number one urban pest, the feral pigeon can produce up to 4oz droppings every day which are very acidic and can cause damage to the area and are unsightly. The droppings can transmit 30 species of disease, including salmonella and meningitis to man and 10 species of disease to domestic stock. Keeping pigeons under control is a legal requirement for many businesses. Good pigeon control is important if you are to comply with The Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, The Food Safety Act 1990, The Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949, Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and other legislation.

Females can breed from 5 months old up to four times a year, laying clutches of two eggs. The nest provides a habitat for many species of flies, beetles and mites. Where dead pigeons and their chicks are in loft spaces, they can attract many carrion species of insects to the area that often migrate from there into domestic premises.